Book Review: The Urgent Life: My story of Love, Loss, and Survival by Bozoma Saint John

The Urgent Life: My Story of Love, Loss, and Survival by Bozoma Saint John

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I admire Bozoma, so strong, so confident! You can hear it in her voice. I listened to the audiobook and it’s read by her.

She has gone through quite a bit of hardships and I love that she is choosing to live life with agency! She is aware that time on earth is precious and limited and that if you want to do something, experience something, share with your loved ones, do the things that fill your cup, you need to go for it! You need to be diligent, and not postpone it!

Bozoma has had quite a successful career and has had the opportunity to work with amazing brands. I enjoyed the part in the book where she details her move to NY and tells how she had to start taking temp work, and get by with very little money in a very expensive city, until finally, luck was on her side. Of course not only luck, her perseverance and dedication paid off, and she landed the job with Spike Lee. She also mentions aspects of her relationship with her husband, and what it felt for them to navigate the world as a biracial couple.

I listened to the podcast of Glennon Doyle and she was a guest there and that is how I found out about the book!

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Author: F is for Felicity!

Each day I thank my lucky stars! 🙏✨

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