2 Movies in 1 Week! Very atypical! 🍿📽️🎞️

Even though I love movies, I don’t really go to the theater very often! I used to go quite a bit during Uni, and as a kid. These days going to see a movie takes a little more effort, for a few reasons.

– Streaming: There is a lot of good movies that you can stream at home

-Subtitles: You can turn on subtitles

-Pause/Rewind: You can stop and rewind if you need to, and you can take bio breaks and pause the movie so you don’t miss anything that is happening.

-Food and snacks: Your kitchen is right there if you get hungry!

Regardless of all of these conveniences, watching at home, is of course, not the same than watching in a huge screen with amazing sound, which is wonderful if the movie has a bunch of special effects. Also, the new chairs at the theaters today are sooo comfy! Wow, things have really changed in that department and definitely for the better!

So last week I went to see Barbie, on Tuesday night to get the discount ($9 instead of $19 in San Francisco). It was really fun, the color palette is quite vibrant and overstimulating, but very cool messages and so important to keep empowering women to become whatever they want to become. I had mixed feelings about going to see this movie! Typical story of many women that don’t look like Barbie!

I played with Barbie dolls as a kid, but then as an adult, questioned it and realized it wasn’t really a cool role model or toy for a kid that has nothing in common with the actual doll! Of course, there was a big influence of Machismo, and so that touched everything. I won’t get too deep into this right now. It is a good movie and is worth watching, even if it is just to see America Ferrera speech alone! Which was wonderful!

Today, I went to see Oppenheimer, taking advantage of the National Movie Day discount! It was

I know it has not had the same amount of viewers like Barbie, but it is a freaking amazing movie! Even though it lasts 3 hours, I didn’t even realized all that time passed, I was so into the story, I forgot about time! I did miss having subtitles, because it helps me if the actors mumble, or say some word I don’t recognize. Other than that, what a way to portrait history! I don’t want to spoil it so I won’t, but talk about man egos in the 40’s and 50s and even 60s! This is probably the movie of the year!

Anyhow, go see these movies if you can!

Margo Robbie as Barbie and Cillian Murphy as Dr. Robert Oppenheimer.

Author: F is for Felicity!

Each day I thank my lucky stars! 🙏✨

One thought on “2 Movies in 1 Week! Very atypical! 🍿📽️🎞️”

  1. Alta película Oppenheimer! Tampoco me pareció tres horas ya que pasaron rápido. Tengo varios clientes míos profesores de Matemáticas y Física en Stanford y dijeron que la película fiel a la historia real.

    Me queda pendiente ver Barbie. Gracias por la recomendación 🙂

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