My Kid is Funny!

My kid is 20 years old!

Ok, not a kid anymore! Although she is not an infant or a teenager, I don’t think of her as an old person, at all! To me, she is still very young with basically her whole life in front of her.

That is why it’s so funny to me when she says certain expressions.

For example, the other day we were on a call and she was telling me about a frustrating moment at her job. Then she goes on to say: “I’m too old for this sh*t”… in all seriousness!

Excuse me! 😂

I couldn’t help it but this is a funny choice, coming from a 20 year old being!

Or maybe kids these days feel they have lived so much already? I mean for sure she is way ahead of me, comparing with my 20 year old being, back in the day!

I guess I don’t know anymore, since I am from the last century! 😂

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