Atmospheric River bringing gifts!

It’s winter here in San Francisco, and yes, it’s not a brutal winter by any means and I am very thankful for that. It’s mild if we compare to other regions up north or on the East Coast.

There is rain, and then it goes away, we have had lovely sunny days, and even temperatures in the high 60s, which is quite nice although I would say atypical for this time of the year. 

This week we are getting through a storm moving from north to south, and it has brought quite a lot of rain, they even call it Atmospheric River! Yesterday, there was lot’s of rain in the morning, hard drops, I could hear them even with my brand new windows that are double pane and are quite good at sound proofing outside sounds, but this I could hear, so it was powerful indeed.

In the afternoon, the rain retreated, sort of, the clouds started moving and some patches of blue parted in the sky! I decided it was my opportunity to go for my daily walk before more water decided to materialize in the from of droplets, so I put on my tennis shoes and jacket, and off I went. As I stepped outside the building, it was drizzling, I almost turned back, but I spotted a beautiful rainbow hitting the Mission, so I decided to keep walking to get a better look. I had no idea I was in for such a visual treat! The droplets mixed with the sun rays and there were quite a few rainbows in different parts of the city!

I decided I would go on my regular loop since that takes me up into a hill and I could have better visibility. The original rainbow was gone when I got to the top of the hill, but there was another one, bigger, brighter and beautiful! BBB! I saw people in cars pulling over the curb to take pictures and take the majestic sight in!

Here are a few pics I was able to snap! 

Rain and Sunshine, The lord’s grace! – My grandma used to say this, but in Spanish, it rhymed. 

“Lloviendo y haciendo Sol, son las gracias del señor” decía mi abuelita!