Missing the Blog = Blogsick?

I have been away on vacation for about 2 full weeks and have not been able to get to writing anything in a while.

On the journey I kept thinking I need to write about this or that, because of course when you are on a trip you get all kinds of ideas and my fingers were itching to get to a keyboard, but as it turns out, when you are on the go, moving from town to town, you don’t really have too much time to get to a computer, which is great, because that is exactly the point when you go on vacation, you disconnect, you get out of your routine, you get busy visiting places, eating new food, seeing new things and new people, and you also get tired! There can be a lot of walking involved when you are a tourist. So much to talk about, so little time to type! Instead, I took a bunch of pictures so I could sort of remember later, and hoped I could get inspired afterwards.

During the trip I did manage to read, actually, I managed to listen to an audiobook, and that was super cool, because sometimes you just want to chill, but you are not soo tired to sleep yet, and you get to listen to a cool story before going into Zzzz….

Speaking of which, I am feeling sleepy as I am a bit jet lagged… Zzzz, savasana, corpse pose, laying down or whatever you call it sounds like a good plan right now. I will get back soon enough to write about the trip! Writing this bit helped and I so enjoyed the typing today! 🙌