The Marie Kondo Effect

Yes, I watched the new show on Netflix about Marie Kondo’s technique and now I am obsessed trying to get rid of things that I have been holding on for years but don’t really use often or at all…

It’s important to mention that I live in a very small studio, so less is more for sure. I have filled 3 bags of clothes, shoes, and random things to give to the good will, including a very old printer that I kept for over 10 years…anyhow, it feels good but I feel I have so much more to go through if I really want to take full advantage of her advice.

I am so into it that I have also been spending time getting rid of a bunch of pictures that were just taking up space because they were off shots, or just random food pics, road pics, blurry and far concert pics, memes, sunrises, flowers, landscape, buildings, but really, how many of these images do I need in my cloud?

I think I must have deleted about 2500 pics or so by now…I still have the 2018 pictures to go through but I needed a break. This was such a good exercise to reflect on how taking pictures can really get out of hand since everything is digital..for sure I wouldn’t take so many silly pics if this was the good old days when you had to pay so much to print them out.

I am slowly doing progress with the stuff in the house. It amazes me how much I have accumulated over the years living in this very small place. I aspire to be minimalistic although it seems that I still have too much stuff.

Marie Kondo, please keep the inspiration going. Most importantly, I would like to get to the point where I don’t want to buy new stuff and feel satisfied with what I already have. Thankful always for good health, family, friends, food on the table, the roof over my head, the clothes on my back and so much more!